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In disagreement with DUO

DUO is late

DUO must make decisions in response to applications from citizens within 8 weeks. The decision period for notices of objection ends 6 weeks after the final date of the appeal period. If the decision period passes without a decision from DUO, you can you can give DUO notice of default.

On rijksoverheid.nl Link opent externe pagina you will find more information (in Dutch) about giving a notice of default and the The Penalty Payments (Failure to Give Timely Decisions) Act.

Different decision periods

For the following applications, a different decision period applies:

  • ‘lerarenbeurs’ (grant for teachers): within 13 weeks after the application period ends
  • ‘instructeursbeurs mbo’ (grant for instructors in MBO): within 8 weeks after the application period ends
  • ‘subsidie tweede lerarenopleiding’ (subsidy for 2nd teacher training course): in January of the academic year the application concerns

How to give notice of default

Complete the 'Ingebrekestelling - Dwangsom bij niet tijdig beslissen' form and send it by e-mail or post to the address stated on the form.

Are you submitting a notice of default to DUO on behalf of an educational institution? Then look at DUO Zakelijk to see what you need to do.

Extension of decision period

The law offers DUO the option to extend the decision period, for instance if we need more information from you. If DUO needs more time, we will always let you know.

What happens next?

After receiving your notice of default, DUO has another 2 weeks to make a decision. Failure to do so will have the following consequences:

  • A penalty will automatically start to apply for every day that the decision period is exceeded, to a maximum of 42 days and € 1,442.
  • You can lodge an appeal with the District Court immediately, without having to lodge an objection to the delay in decision-making first. If the Court declares your appeal founded, DUO will be required to make a decision within 2 weeks.