Lodge a complaint
Please contact us before lodging a complaint. We may be able to resolve your problem right away.
Complaint about our service
You can lodge a complaint about DUO’s service. For instance if you have received incorrect information. Or if you feel that you have been mistreated by DUO or one of its staff. You cannot lodge a complaint about something that happened over a year ago.
What to do
- Complete the complaints form or, if you prefer, write a letter. Explain clearly what happened and why you are not happy with DUO’s service. If possible, mention the date, the time, and the name of the employee that helped you.
- Send your complaint to:
Klachtenfunctionaris DUO
Antwoordnummer 392
9700 VB Groningen
The Netherlands
You do not need to use a stamp.
What happens next?
- Our independent complaints officer will contact you by telephone or send you a confirmation of receipt.
- He will gather information and inform the parties involved. You will receive a written notification of the results of the investigation within 4 weeks.
- If you are not satisfied with the way DUO has handled your complaint, you can ask the National Ombudsman to investigate your case Link opent externe pagina .