
Are you unhappy with DUO? Please contact us before you lodge an objection, an appeal or a complaint. If we cannot solve the problem that moment, we will advise you on your best course of action.

Disagree with DUO’s decision

You can lodge an objection when you disagree with a decision made by DUO. A notice of objection always deals with the content of a decision, not with our answer remaining forthcoming or with your dissatisfaction with our service. Objections must be lodged within 6 weeks after the date on the decision or notice.

Disagree with decision about your objection

When you disagree with DUO’s decision about your notice of objection, you can lodge an appeal. The notice you’ve received states where you can appeal. It usually is the Dutch district court. You must lodge the appeal within 6 weeks after the date on the decision.

DUO is late

DUO has to make a decision about your application within 8 weeks. Notices of objection have to be decided upon within 6 weeks after the final date of the appeal period, with a possible extension of another 6 weeks. When the period ends without DUO making a decision about your application or objection, you can give DUO notice of default.


If you are dissatisfied with DUO’s service, you can lodge a complaint. For example, when you’ve received incorrect information or when you feel like you were not treated well by one of our staff members. A complaint cannot be about the content of a decision.