What do you need to arrange?

Once you graduate, you need to disenroll from your programme. Were you in MBO, then you can arrange this with your school. If you were in HBO or university, you need to disenroll through Studielink Link opent externe pagina .

Student finance

The date of your disenrollment determines until when you are eligible for student finance. This is often a different date than the date of your graduation ceremony.

Complete the programme update assistant. Within a minute you will know what arrange for your student finance.

Programme update assistantProgramme update assistant

Course fees or tuition fees

Did you attend MBO or VAVO (secondary education for adults) and did you pay tuition fees? Sometimes part of the tuition fees can be refunded. You must apply for this at the latest on the last day of the school year.

You do not pay tuition fees for higher education to DUO. If you have questions about reimbursement of these tuition fees, please contact your school or university.

Sending diploma often unnecessary

If you took a programme in the Netherlands, you do not need to send your diploma to DUO. Your school or university will inform us about your graduation. You do have to make arrangements if you obtained a diploma abroad.

Completed propaedeutic phase

Did you complete the 1st year of your programme? You do not need to inform us of this, since you have not yet obtained a final diploma. Completing the propaedeutic phase also does not affect your student debt.