Calculation of your monthly instalments

The amount you need to repay each month depends on the size of your debt, the duration of the repayment phase, and the interest rate. We also usually automatically consider your income and that of your partner, if you have one. If you are a single parent, we take that into account as well. You are always allowed to repay more than the set monthly amount.

Statutory monthly instalment

We first calculate how much you need to pay back every month to pay off your debt precisely within the prescribed term. This is called the ‘statutory instalment’.

The minimum statutory instalment is €45.41 if the repayment rules from SF15-old or from SF15 apply, or if you are repaying a lifelong learning credit debt. If the SF35 repayment rules apply, the minimum instalment is €5.

If you are repaying both a student debt and a lifelong learning credit debt, a statutory instalment will be calculated for both debts. The total statutory instalment then amounts to €50.41 or €90.82, depending on the repayment rules that apply to the debts.

Combination student debt and lifelong learning credit debt

If you are repaying both a student debt and a lifelong learning credit debt, one statuary monthly amount is set for both debts combined. The total statuary monthly amount will then be €50.41 or €90.82, depending on the repayment rules of both debts.

Financial capacity

After calculating your statutary monthly amount, we calculate, based on your income and that of your partner if applicable, how much you can afford to repay each month. This is called your financial capacity. We recalculate your financial capacity every calendar year. If your financial capacity is lower than the statutary monthly amount, then you will pay this lower amount. If your financial capacity is lower than the minimum statuary monthly amount, then you will pay nothing.

If your repayment capacity is higher than the statuary monthly amount, then you pay the statuary monthly amount.

If the SF15-old repayment rules apply, we do not automatically look at your income. In that case you have request a reduction in your monthly instalments yourself.

Financial capacity and interest

DUO takes your financial capacity into account, so you pay no more than you can, based on your income. But if you pay according to your financial capacity, your debt decreases at a slower pace. As a result, you pay more interest in total. If you can afford it, you can increase your monthly payments in Mijn DUO. In that way you will pay less interest.

If you have not cleared your loan in full at the end of the repayment phase, your remaining debt is written off.

Calculation of financial capacity

How we calculate your ability to pay depends on the repayment rules that apply to you. If you are a single parent, we take that into account too.

Your financial capacity and your repayment rules
Repayment rules Calculation of your financial capacity
  • If you are single without children, the exemption is 50% of the minimum wage Link opent externe pagina n the reference year.
  • If you have a partner, or are a single parent, the exemption equals of the minimum wage Link opent externe pagina in the reference year.
  • The remainder of your income is divided into income brackets. There are 4 brackets. The percentage that is considered part of you financial capacity is 7,9%, 15,8%, 23,7% and 30% respectively.
SF15-lll combined with 1 of the other rules
  • Lifelong learning credit + a debt under the SF35 rules? We will calculate your financial capacity for each debt. The maximum percentage for the SF15-lllc debt, will be applied to both debts.
  • capacity for each debt. The maximum percentage for the SF15 debt, will be applied to both debts.
  • Lifelong learning credit + a debt under the SF15-old rules? We will calculate your financial capacity for each debt. The maximum percentage for the SF15-old debt, will be applied to both debts.
Additional exemption single parent

If you live alone with a child aged under 18, you can be granted a higher exemption than a single person without children. An additional part of your income will not be taken into consideration when calculating your monthly instalments. Check the amount of the exemption under ‘Your financial capacity and your repayment rules’.

Conditions for additional exemption

  • You care for a child aged under 18 for at least 6 months per year.
  • This child is registered at your address.
  • If you have shared custody with the child’s other parent, you must be responsible for at least 50% of the care.
  • No other adults are registered at your address, except any child of yours that is still under 27.


Use the ‘Income statement for a request for a lower monthly instalment in 2024’ form to tell us in which year you were a single parent. Complete question 3.1 of the form and do not forget to sign it. If you live in the Caribbean, use the ‘Income statement for the request to reduce the 2024 monthly student debt repayment instalments for residents of the Caribbean region’ form.

Reference year

Your income from two years ago, the ‘reference year’, is important for the calculation of your ability to pay. If your income has decreased since then, you may ask for a more recent year to be used instead. This is referred to as 'changing the reference year'.

Estimate your monthly instalments

Use the calculation tool Repayment (only in Dutch) to estimate the monthly instalments you have to pay.