
Are you planning to work or study outside the Netherlands? You can download an extract of your diploma in Mijn diploma’s for free. But your Dutch diploma is not automatically valid abroad. And the type of education you completed may not exist in your country of destination. Sometimes DUO can help with that, too.

Diploma legalisation

If you want to work or study abroad, you often need to have your Dutch diploma legalised. Or another educational document, like your list of marks. Legalisation shows that your document is authentic and has been issued by a competent authority. DUO can legalise your document for you.

Diploma description

A diploma description is an explanation of a specific school type. DUO provides descriptions of several types of Dutch secondary education.

Extract Mijn diploma's

'Mijn diploma's' contains diploma information for most Dutch degree programmes recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Download a free digital extract of your diploma if your foreign employer or school asks for proof of your diploma.

Teaching qualification

Do you want to teach, using your Dutch diploma? You can ask us if your diploma comes with a teaching qualification.